Girl with Curves

Clothes stuff. That seems to be my main evening interest at the moment. Just for my own personal record really...
1. I have nearly finished the night shirt. I shortened it a lot compared to the last one. Looking at it unhemmed, I think I will make pyjama bottoms for it and it can be a long pj top with bottoms for the coldest nights and the nightshirt can work alone when it is warm.
2. I was thinking about cardies the other day? This looks useful:
It is McCalls 6408 and is apparently easy to sew. Not just now, but maybe after I've sewn the Colette Crepe. I suspect I'll have to buy fabric outside of Wetville for it. I like the red version. Indeed, I would like a red version myself.
3. The Colette Crepe pattern arrived. Gotta get the night shirt jammy bottoms made up so I can sew the big spring project. The instructions do look very accessible.
4. Found a blog called Girl with Curves. Tanesha Awasthi is totally gorgeous and what makes her blog appeal to me is that I look at her outfits and think I could and would wear some of them. Not so for almost all clothing/fashion shoots/displays.
This is an example from her blog. I think she'd love the fit opportunities which sewing would open up.
5. Much of the appeal of sewing at the moment is that it is a break from my paid work. It has taken me years to consciously realise that September is the busiest time of my working year. I appreciate beyond words my kind friend Carolyn who looked after my children this afternoon so I could go to work. Meeting deadlines is a good thing.
6. Books. I don't know. I think it is time I started reading again. Can't sew until past bedtime and read more than the odd magazine though.
7. Chooks. The egg numbers are improving, but this morning there were two soft shelled eggs again. Two firm shelled eggs as well and I am taking care to provide lots of grit. I've been googling and starting tomorrow I shall add apple cider vinegar to their water, something I've known about doing before but been slack about regularly adding it.


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